88-9 二水台灣獼猴自然保護區台灣獼猴族群研究

計畫名稱88-9 二水台灣獼猴自然保護區台灣獼猴族群研究
An Assessment of Taiwanese macaque ( Macaca cyclopis ) Population
in Er-Shui Taiwanese macaque Nature Reserve.
中興大學動物系 吳聲海
  • 摘要:

  • Abstract:

    From March 1999 to May 2000, I investigated the Taiwanese macaque population in the Er-Shui Taiwanese macaque Nature Reserve in order to estimate the number of monkey troops in the reserve. In addition , I also surveyed other terrestrial vertebrate fauna in the reserve, for future use in the planning of Er-Shui Wildlife Reserve.
    Through actual sightings of monkey and fecal remains left on the survey routes, I estimated there are three to four monkey troops in the reserve. Home range of each troop cover areas both outside and inside the reserve; habitats used by monkeys include both broadleaf forest and open lands created by landslides or agriculture.
    The accumulated terrestrial vertebrate fauna in the reserve after this survey consists of 92 species (10 mammals, 60 birds, 15 reptiles, and 7 amphibians). Several rare species protected by law are found in the reserve.
    The Taiwanese macaque population found in the Ba-Gua mountain range is in effect an insular population surrounded by man-made environments, and is in need of protection from extinction. The reserve contains one of the few remaining native broad-leaf forest ecosystem in the landscape , and is the remaining wildlife habitat in the lowland tri-county area ( Taichung, Chang-hua, and Nan-tou ) . The reserve should be given high priority for protection. Efforts should also be made in order to minimize the adverse effects, such as habitat destruction, exotic wildlife, and strayed dogs, on the survival of wildlife in this area.
瀏覽人次:1799 最後更新日期:2016-06-06