Survey of the insects at Cha-Tien-shan Nature Reserve(Ⅱ)
插天山自然保留區為北台灣重要的原始森林,由於林相複雜,保留完整,經本年調查鑑定學名者之鞘翅目有金龜子科83種、天牛科51種、鍬形蟲科24種、吉丁蟲科4種、埋葬蟲科3種、步行蟲科9種、叩頭蟲科4種、地膽科2種,其他尚有11目53科195種的標本尚待鑑定學名,另在固定樣本區調查,夏季蟲相較其他季節複雜,各目昆蟲在季節上也有較明顯變化,春季以雙翅目較佔優勢,而夏季為鞘翅目為主,秋季膜翅目種類比其他季節多,本區內到目前紀錄的保育類昆蟲包括:寬尾鳳蝶(Agehana maraho (Shirraki & Shiriaki & Sonan))、大紫蛺蝶(Sasakia charonda (Shiroza))、無霸勾蜒(Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys))、大青紅緣叩頭蟲(Campstosternus gemma Candeze)、台灣長臂金龜(Cheirotous macleayi formosanus Ohaus)、台灣大鍬形蟲(Dorcus formosanus Miwa)、長角大鍬形蟲(Dorcus schenkilingi Mollenkamp)、霧社深山天牛(Aeolesthes oenochrous Fairmaire)、台灣擬食蝸步行蟲(Coptolabrus naankototaijanus miwai Kano),其中50%,顯示保留區之棲地保育工作仍需持續維護以維持其生物多樣性之特色。 關鍵詞:插天山、保留區、昆蟲相、歧異度指數
Survey of the insects at Cha-Tien-shan Nature Reserve
Several permanent and temporary sampling plots covering different habitat types and elevations were selected to investigate the population of insect rescues in Cha-Tien-Shan reservation area. Between February 2000 and January 2001, had been estimated the diversity of insect. According to the IUCN Red Data Book, 9 Species ranked in Endangered categories, followed by Anotogaster sieboldii sieboldii, Sasakia charonda formosana, Agehana maraho, Campsosternus gemma, Cheirotonus macleayi formosana, Captolabrus nanlcotaijanus miwai, Dorcus formosands, Dorcus schenkllingi., Aeolesthes oenochrous Fairmaire Three different trapping methods were used for analysis the indes of diversity and abundance, within permanent plots and different seasons. The highest structure diversity occurs in the summer for all sampling plots than others seasons. Light trapping and line-transect sampling method recorded a total of 180 species belonging to 8 families of Cleoptera. The other 195 specimens in 11 orders of 53 families were not identified. This investigation presents high abundance and diversity of insects in this area, therefore the conservation management should be maintained.
Key word: Cha-Tien-Shan, Nature reserve, abundance index, Insect fauna