89-6 大武山自然保留區動物資源調查──太麻里溪

計畫名稱89-6 大武山自然保留區動物資源調查──太麻里溪
The Investigation on the Fauna of Taimali Watershade in Da-wu Shan Nature Reserve
 國立台灣師範大學生物系 呂光洋、黃 生
  • 摘要

  • Abstract

    Da-wu Shan Nature Reserve locates on the border between Pintong and Taitong Counties. It is the biggest Nature Reserve in Taiwan. The reserve provides various important habitats for widelifes. The purpose of this investigation is to find out the current faunal states in the reserve after it has been designated about 10 years ago. The survey was conducted every 3 months, and lasted for one year. In total we recorded 11 families and 16 species of mammals; 26 families and 56 species of birds; 5 families and 8 species of reptiles; 3 families and 8 species of frogs; 4 families and 9 species of freshwater fishes; 5 families and 88 species of butterflies. By comparing with the report of the last survey, we observed that there was an increase in the numbers of species in birds and fishes, and a decrease in reptiles. As for mammals and amphibians, there was no great change.
    During the investigation, we found that the human disturbance is still severe, including the pressures from hunting, fishing, alien species and tourists. Among these, the most serious problem comes from Jeeps. We strongly recommend that the public education should be launched more actively. Besides, the long-term monitoring program should be taken regularly by Forestry Bureau.
瀏覽人次:1979 最後更新日期:2016-06-06