89-14 台灣油杉之遺傳歧異度分析

計畫名稱89-14 台灣油杉之遺傳歧異度分析
Genetic variation analysis of Keteleeria davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay.
  • 中文摘要

    台灣油杉(Keteleeria davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay.)於台灣本島之兩端呈不連續分布;北部有礁溪與坪林台灣油杉自然保護區,南部有大武台灣油杉自然保護區。其族群相當稀少,結實率低,是林務局正積極保育的固有種。本計劃係對分布於台灣南北地區之台灣油杉進行DNA分析,利用RAPD標誌分析為主和核糖體DNA序列分析為輔來探討台灣油杉種源與其地域分布的相關性。本實驗以17個逢機單股核酸序列做引子分析111株南北植株,所得的RAPD標誌分析結果得到的親源關係樹形圖中,可知台灣油杉可分為四個類群,分別為第一類群包含了北部坪林油杉自然保留區文山事業區第40及41林班;礁溪油杉自然保護區宜蘭事業區第24及25林班,第二類群包含了南部台東林管區管理處大武油杉自然保留區大武事業區第41林班,第三類群為台東林管區管理處大武油杉自然保留區大武事業區第30林班,以及第四類群為達仁山區第一陵線及第二陵線,顯示為台灣油杉的基因組歧異度符合南北不連續分布的型式。而核糖體DNA序列分析部分目前已得到坪林台灣油杉5.8S核糖體DNA基因序列,其序列比對結果顯示台灣油杉與其他種祼子木本植物之間有些歧異度。因為台灣油杉的基因組之間歧異度低,其基因組成份相似度高,建議未來應對分布於台灣南北之台灣油杉有著手復育之必要。
  • 英文摘要

    Keteleeria davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay. Distributes disjunctively in Taiwan.
    Jiau-Shi and Ping-Lin nature reserves are located in northern Taiwan and Da-Wu nature reserve is located in southern Taiwan. This native species is currently protected by Taiwan Forest Bureau due to its scarce population and low ratio of seed setting. This study was to investigate the phylogentic relationship between these two disjunctive populations using RAPD markers resulted from genetic variation and variation in nuclear ribosomal DNA. To analyze the phylogenetic relationships among 111plants of K. davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay., 17 synthetic oligonucleotides were used as probes to obtain RAPD markers. According to the phylogenetic tree, the samples were clustered into four groups. Group A includes Jiau-Shi Compartment 24 and 25 and Ping-Lin Compartment 40 and 41; group B includes Da-Wu Compartment 41; group C includes Da-Wu Compartment 30 and group D includes Da-Zen Ridges 1and 2. Our result indicates that the genome of K. davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay.population in northern Taiwan is different from that in southern Taiwan.Corresponding to the disjunct distribution of this species.The nucleotide sequences of 5.8S rDNA in 2 samples of K. davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay. sre found to be identical. However, the 5.8S rDNA of K. davidiana Beissn. var. formosana Hay.is somewht diverged from 6 species in gynosperms. Our results suggests the importance of protecting and re-establishing the population of this species due to the low divergency and high similarity of its genome.
瀏覽人次:1840 最後更新日期:2016-06-06