91-26 夸父綠小灰蝶之生態學研究(二)─摘要

計畫名稱91-26 夸父綠小灰蝶之生態學研究(二)─摘要
  • 摘要

    Ecological studies on Sibataniozephyrus kuafui Hsu & Lin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) (Ⅱ)
  • Abstract

    The marked-released and recaptured method was performed to estimate the population size of Sibataniozephyrus kuafui Hsu & Lin in the forest of Fagus hayatae on Mt. Peichatienshan. Comparing with the previous study, a decline of population size of this rare butterfly was detected. Moreover, Mt. Zhulushan was confirmed to represent the northernmost distribution site (121°25’42”E,24°49’59”N) and lowest altitude (1,360m) thus far. Data analysis of the eggs appeared that the female butterflies prefer laying the eggs at the position near the dormant bud (distance<5cm) of small branch (diameter<1cm) in opposition to the direction of the sunlight. The pre-test of starvation-enduring ability showed that the larvae could endure starvation a week under 5℃. The preliminary investigation of the moths associated with Fagus hayatae revealed a high diversity of the lepidoptera funna. Keywords:Sibataniozephyrus kuafui Hsu & Lin, Fagus hayatae,
    The marked-released and recaptured method.
瀏覽人次:1941 最後更新日期:2016-06-06