91-46-1 關山野生動物重要棲息環境生物資源調查計畫─摘要

計畫名稱91-46-1 關山野生動物重要棲息環境生物資源調查計畫─摘要
  • 摘要

  • Abstract

    There are about 15,084 hectares in the national forest 24-31 blocks of Yen-Ping district which locates inside the main area of Laipunuk geographical area, Taitung, Taiwan. The indigenous Bunun people ever lived there before the Japanese government moved them out in 1930s. The forest government of Republic of China ever implemented clear cutting and tree plantation in some area during 1960s to 1970s. But most land remains primitive. This study area appeared abundant flora or fauna. We work with Bunun People and recorded 403 species of vascular plants, including 71 ferns, 15 conifers, and 317 flower plants. The composition and distribution of some plant communities are also preliminarily described. Furthermore, we found hundreds of Cycas taitungensis outside the Nature Preserve of Taitung Cycas, Juniperus formosana growing lower than 400 meters in elevation, and some trees of Pinus massoniana sporadically. The Bunun People discovered 18 large or median mammal species, belonged to nine families and five orders. Among them, the Chinese otter, Lutra lutra chinensis, is endangered and had not recorded above ten years in Taiwan. We also investigated the land name, residence, hunting territory and walking path of Bunun People there. We suggest it is worth further studying with indigenous people in near future.
    Keywords: Wildlife, Vegetation ecology, Laipunuk, Indigenous people.
瀏覽人次:1912 最後更新日期:2016-06-06